Hi everyone! To the lucky hundreds who signed up to follow our Zoe Fest Blog we are giving you the second notification of the day, the first was of course posted on Figuremodels.org, where you have to be a member to attend the artist retreat. I just want to let you all know that the application to attend the 2018 Zoe Fest is live! Looking forward to receiving your form and see you down under! More details will be provided soon, but for those of you who want to get in and secure a spot, this is for you. CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT THE APPLICATION
We will be headed back to Australia! We have yet to photograph every inch. Set your dates for November 8-18, 2018.
Interested to receive more info on Zoe Fest.
Thank you.
Please feel free to browse the site and read all about it. And if you want to attend fill out the application. Once you fill out the application with references and work examples we can give you more information.
Interested to receive more info on Zoe Fest.
Thank you.
Please feel free to browse the site and read all about it. And if you want to attend fill out the application. Once you fill out the application with references and work examples we can give you more information.